
George Brown College
St. James Campus, Downtown Toronto
Building C:  Financial Services

290 Adelaide Street East

Public Transit: Walk or take the eastbound streetcar from King Station to Jarvis St. Walk north to Adelaide St. Walk east to 300 Adelaide St. Take the path to Building C.

Parking: Available on George St., between Adelaide and King. Parking is $3.00 for the entire day, both Saturday and Sunday.

After Party

Habaneros, the delightful Mexican restaurant that hosted our last two WordCamp events, is no longer in operation. 🙁 Luckily, we’ve managed to secure a reservation at Hot House Café on Church Street (northeast corner of the Front St. & Church St. intersection).

The after party will take place on Saturday, November 3rd from 5:00pm until whenever. Drinks will be provided!


Holiday Inn Express on Lombard St. has extended their discount rate to attendees of WordCamp Toronto: Developers. The discounted rate is $119.00 per night (single or double) and includes a full breakfast, and can be used for November 2-4.

To get this discounted rate, you must call the hotel directly at 416-367-5555 and request a house-restricted reservation from the front desk for WordCamp Toronto. Rooms are no longer being held for our group, but the discount rate is still active.

** Thanks to Patrick Johanneson for the tip about the house-restricted reservation!

  • Holiday Inn Express: 111 Lombard Street, Toronto Ontario

Google Maps: Directions & Points of Interest

2 Responses to “Location

  1. matière says:

    What is the street address for Maps app?